Vital Vortex is an innovative and startling product developed by Timeless, a device which treats and transforms ordinary water into living, structured and magnetized water of the highest quality, which, besides becoming light and tasty, provides living beings with greater hydration levels, vitality and energy, acting for the organism’s cleansing and upkeeping.
Vortex is a phenomenon of rare beauty, found in virtually all of nature’s systems, and we usually see it in action in cyclones, typhoons, black holes, galaxies and in each of the molecules of our bodies, where there exists an electromagnetic vortex, accountable for the support of matter and life as we know it.
Whenever Vortices take place in water, we also call this phenomenon Implosion, which is the effect from a very peculiar movement where each small water particle tends to rotate at high speed at the vortex’s center and in descending direction with decreasing speed on the outside, moving upwards (see figure below).
This process takes place naturally, as if water possessed an "intelligence" of its own, but in fact, upon observing the phenomenon in a more detailed way, we understand that water is just being submitted to nature’s three grand forces in a balanced way:
Centripetal Force: it’s the force which tends to throw inside everything which lies outside; it wants to group up, unite and compose. This is the force in connection with the words creation, generation, union and composition.
In a totally opposite way, the Vortex also acts jointly with the Centrifugal Force - this is the force which tends to throw outside everything that lies inside, this force is that which wants separation, division, breakup and decomposition.
The Force of Gravity, the vortex’s "engine" is that which draws water to the center of the planet and constitutes the way by which, like magic, water enters a state of perfect balance between these three forces, forming the Vortex which constitutes an organized movement where the interaction of opposing forces is in perfect balance, so that the Vortex is one of the great physical phenomena from Nature's creative and self-organizing force.
Chemists by formation might possibly question how a "simple" Vortex could cause such profound changes in water’s molecular structure. How could it be possible, since the atomic forces acting between molecules are enormous?
Trying to explain the Implosion or Vortex phenomenon in a physical way, it’s a frenetic and at the same time organized movement which acts upon electrons’ quantical energy levels in an atomic way by creating enormous shear forces, seeing that such forces consequently change water molecule’s angle, breaking up its famous clusters (untidy molecule groupings) by transforming water into a crystalline and organized structure.
Vital Vortex also incorporates an innovative interaction concept between the magnetic field and water. By means of powerful, strategically positioned magnets we are able to produce a precise magnetic field which has got ZERO resultant force at strategic points, and when this happens, when a magnetic field is perfectly nulled by an opposite field, the magnetic magnitude, though nulled, possesses a scalar component right at this point (which may be mathematically proved by gravitational equations)
When this phenomenon happens, a field unlike that of the magnetic field is formed; it’s yet a field located out of time and space (for it being dimensionless), which acts deeper within water atoms’ structure, it’s a field which works at quantum level by acting upon matter’s atomic interstice by erasing low-level energy information and raising up water’s frequency.
Therefore, by making use of combined technologies, Vital Vortex treats water deeply by eliminating negative energy impressions, organizing and structuring water as a Vital substance.
Large cities recycle their waters nowadays, or sometimes source them from polluted sites. Even by treating water and removing its pollutants, the vibrational energy of various substances, like estrogen and solvents, remain stored in water’s memory. There are several studies which demonstrate that water possesses memory (Masaru Emoto was one of the pioneers who demonstrated water’s memory influences in the crystallization process in a physical way: : Homeopathy also makes use of such memory principle since the compounds created by this technique possess no more active chemical elements in practical terms (due to high dilutions), seeing that only vibrational and energetic principles remain, and these vibrations, even though subtle, have the capacity to transform people’s physical states.
In fact, even when water undergoes treatment, (vibrational) energy pollutants still constitute an enormous risk to health, as much as physical pollutants.
Nature automatically treats, recycles and removes polluted energies, i.e., within a stream, by means of water’s natural movements running along its path, spiral vortices end up clearing water’s memory.
By observing Nature, we realize that water’s energy cleansing and vitalization process is so much more efficient the greater Vortex’s speed and accuracy are. Therefore, for Vital Vortex’s development we have optimized its geometry, starting from sacred and resonant dimensions and changing over 40 parameters until we had come to an ideal geometry which had been thoroughly tested, in order to accelerate water to the maximum, achieving from this tangential velocities over 360 km/h, as well as centripetal accelerations on the order of 130 thousand times that of gravity’s acceleration; this means that within the Vortex every cubic millimeter of water "weighs" 130 kilos!
Another effect of the Vortex is the increase in water’s energy levels, and when Vital Vortex is used correctly as per instructions, vital energy levels increase above 120 thousand Bovis (Bovis is an energy scale which can be determined through dowsing processes)
Another interesting Vortex phenomenon is that the temperature within the vortex’s center is colder than on its border; this effect has been well studied and is known as the Ranque-Hilsch effect, seeing that the most accepted explanation in academic circles is that the phenomenon arises from a decrease in entropic levels, which means that water’s crystalline structure increases its organization level.
In due time, science believed that the combination of the right elements and circumstances could theoretically give rise to life; nonetheless, new theories show that, to a certain extent, elements and circumstances are relevant, but it takes two other factors for life to exist - one is Organization and the other is Balance, and these two factors are always related. And it is at this point that Vital Vortex works by organizing water’s structure, restoring it to balance.
Organization is that which holds the flow of energy and information needed for life’s existence. This type of organization refers to molecular organization as found in crystals’ geometric patterns, in which repetition takes place at the atomic scale.
Since the 1940’s when Crystal Radio Technology appeared, it is known that crystals are endowed with radio transmitting and receiving capabilities, and that’s why they still make use of crystals in our solid state technologies to this day.
Likewise, molecular organization, whenever established in a crystalline way, makes energy and information flows easier.
Many fabrics and cell components have now been identified as liquid crystals. These keep energy flow, and at the same time energy flows sustain the liquid crystalline state. Quantum biologists and physicists began to discover evidence about this, in such a way that life itself might be defined in terms of an organism's ability to maintain its crystalline liquid state.
Ancient science believed that water was a cluster of molecules in random state, but new science treats water as a substance capable of organizing itself into structures and crystalline patterns, as if it were a liquid crystal. The first of such theories were established in the 1920’s when IBM scientist Marcel Vogel (Liquid Crystal’s inventor) studied resonances between crystals and water.
It’s known today that water possesses the ability to organize itself, and it’s precisely such molecular organization which defines its ability to carry signals as well as other information.
There are many ways to induce a liquid crystalline structure in water. Nonetheless, if water is incoherent, its structural organization may collapse quickly. In the human body (and within other living organisms) tiny electromagnetic fields help keep water structured. Energy flows through an organized matrix support its organization.
Nature makes use of a combination of forces in order to establish and maintain coherence. Cyclic or spiral motions are of paramount importance. When water molecule cycles take place within natural electromagnetic fields, these are forced to align and realign themselves within such fields. This happens because water is a polar substance with positive and negative poles. Each cycle refines the system’s structure.
Just as a shoal of fish, structured and organized water molecules "share a coherent place" which even after being disturbed, hold a tendency for reorganization, and that’s coherence!
Having understood that water displays a crystalline pattern, various experiments, such as those reported by photographer and researcher Massaru Emoto ( show that by means of such "learning" and consciousness, water may take different crystallization forms when subjected to freezing. This means that water "learns", absorbs "information" and "energy" through Light, Sound, Movements, Thoughts, etc...
Notice that many homeopathic remedies have practically no active physical elements in them - e.g., a C100 homeopathic remedy (100 times dilution) - if we could count them, there would be billions of billions of water molecules in order that we could find 1 molecule from the active component, and this is what takes place in homeopathy as vibrational loading, it has got nothing to do with something physical, it’s pure stored vibration and consciousness and this is how water behaves.
Notice now that water accumulates information and such information may be stored at different levels and through different levels and aspects; the elemental energy, in connection with emotions and feelings, takes place at subtler levels of matter, i.e., in the ether, if we try to translate this intended for a human understanding, it all happens as if, within the atomic interstice of atoms, and between protons and electrons, there existed a space filled with (etheric) consciousness, with emotions and feelings being stored in this space.
Therefore, water is a conscious element, with an endless ability to store information and energy; this becomes possible through various devices, i.e., sound, light, rhythm, movement, and structuring processes (such as the Vortex) which enable conditions as well as water’s ability to generate and maintain life the way we know it.
Water accounts for between 60 and 70% of our body's weight, it is accountable for the transport of all substances inside our body, besides being in connection to our emotional, energetic and vital aspects.
We believe that water is all this and much more than we can imagine. Remembering that water represents roughly 70% of our weight and, likewise, it also represents 70% of the planet's surface, we may philosophize how much water is important to our physical and energetic existence, and yet we could not possibly explain it in full depth, but if we consider planet Earth as a great living being, water would be similar to our blood which is also accountable for the transportation of substances.
On Planet Earth, water acts by transforming the landscape and renewing energies. The oceans, for example, would be similar to a huge heart which beats in rhythms of systole and diastole along its seas, influenced by the moon’s magnetism; likewise, our emotions are also represented by the water element, which astrology explains in a clearer and deeper way, and not only the influence of the moon and its tides, but also people’s emotional states (this is easy to acknowledge, just go visit a police station and compare the number of cases happening during Full Moon), that is, water is also connected to our emotions and feelings.
Also, just like a living being, water goes through a natural ageing cycle, from its evaporation (in oceans and plants), occasion when it condenses as falling rain permeating the soil, until it reaches water tables and then rivers, until going back to the ocean once more. And during such cycle water transports substances besides regulating temperature and transforming energy in the environments it goes through.
It is for this reason that whenever we take a waterfall bath we feel clean and energized as if we are being embraced by a greater "love", the love from Mother Earth. This is because the waterfall waters are mature waters, waters which have already covered all of their cycles, besides being absolutely living waters, which have undergone several VORTEX movements (clockwise and counterclockwise), that is, that’s water in a much higher state of energy beyond a state of full consciousness, and these two characteristics combined are capable of cleansing action, also healing like few waters.
Therefore, from an esoteric standpoint, water can actually be seen as a living elemental, but little is scientifically known about water and what it actually is and represents in terms of consciousness, and how it actually acts within the organisms of ageing living beings.
However, today's science has already amassed enough knowledge to prove that water is not just a transparent liquid made up by Hydrogen and Oxygen, but rather a life-generating substance capable of storing and taking on incredible energy potentials!
Physicist Gerald H. Pollack describes in his book "The fourth state of water" that, besides the three states normally known (solid, liquid and gas), water also presents a fourth physical state called "Zeta state" or " quantum state " which, in simple terms, represents a higher state of energy and consciousness, demonstrating that water has got an ability to store energy, light, and " information " in its atomic and crystalline structure. And such an energy state is one of the most important discoveries as far as water is concerned, because this potential is the only one accountable for the management of life the way we know it.
A great example of such quantum energy state which water possesses is exactly what our circulatory system functioning shows. It is known that an ordinary human being possesses about 45,000 km of veins, arteries and capillaries. This means that technically the heart is not responsible for all the "pumping" of blood; if it were, the heart should have an equivalent Energy / Power to pump 450 liters of blood up to a height of 1.6 km and such "energy " would be more than 10 times the amount of calories we eat daily; that is, technically, it is impossible for the heart to be accountable for pumping all the blood through our bodies. Thus, it is known today that part of the pumping and rhythm is provided by the heart and another part of this energy comes from this quantum state of energy and consciousness already stored in the water contained in our blood, and it’s precisely through such "energy" that water can walk across thousands of miles of arteries and veins.
Many people who are more sensitive than others notice that whenever they are sad they feel more "swollen" and when feeling happier their bodies stay limp and less swollen, i.e., emotions and feelings also act directly upon the circulatory system, and this is so because emotions are subtle vibrations which either raise or lower the Zeta water potential, increasing or decreasing movement capacity and circulation as a consequence.
Another great example of the Zeta potential energy is its action upon trees and vegetables, and that’s what causes water to rise through the sap of Araucaria trees, from their roots up to the top of the last leaf, over 30 meters high. This is the "energy" which causes water to rise from high springs, forming waterfalls on mountain tops.
Such ZETA state possesses a high level of energy which can be found in structured water, such energy state modifies water’s crystalline and atomic structures, what people usually call hexagonal water, living water, structured water and several other names, which are actually human ways for trying to interpret the different physical and consciousness states which water may present.
Therefore, we come to the conclusion, so as to view it in a simple way, that water is a living elemental endowed with consciousness, that it possesses a degree of maturity, has got the capacity to manage life, store energy and information, and that it has the ability to transform and regulate our emotional states.
And so we call it Vital water, such as the water treated by our Vital Vortex device, a magnetic water of very high energy and vibrational quality, which displays Hexagonal geometry in nearly its entirety at very high Zeta potentials (i.e., low surface tension and enormous transport capacity), a very high Bovis energy level (above 140,000 BO), an organic redox reaction potential usually above 400 (practically regardless of initial water quality), i.e., it’s also a water with an anti-oxidant properties.
- Water’s surface tension decreases through its Cluster breakup (grouping of several water molecules), and therefore the resulting water has greater capacity to penetrate the body's cells, with greater hydration capacity.
- Upon drinking Vital water, the cells from body systems, specifically the nervous, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems, become properly assigned to fulfill the functions of life.
- Drinking Vital Water allows the best use of nutrients from foods and supplements, and this is excellent for all people and especially for athletes seeking maximum performance in their sports practices.
- Water’s hexagonal structure possesses greater capacity to store oxygen within its structure, which makes water an excellent anti-oxidant agent.
- Water’s electrical conductivity increases and also the PH, something that’s optimal for vital functions.
- All the negative and harmful vibrations left by contaminants (chlorine and chemicals) disappear, creating a totally living water.
- Living water increases oxygen levels, what helps the body get rid of toxins, restoring the immune system.
- The subtle frequencies stored and recorded by the of implosion process (Vortex), jointly with the magnetic field, raise water’s vibrational level to about 147 thousand Bovis and this very high energy level ends up by gradually raising people’s vibrational levels and consequently constitutes an extra protection against active external energies influencing people toward feeling more disposition, vitality and also greater emotional stability.
- Fill one bottle with water at ¾ of its capacity, the other one remains empty; then thread both on the device.
- Turn the full bottle to the upward facing position and start rotation until noticing that the Vortex movement has "engaged"; in the beginning there may be some difficulty in order to generate the vortex, but with some training this process becomes very simple. We've posted a video on our site which will help you understand how to start the Vortex.
- Having understood the above procedure, we recommend performing 3 implosion cycles counterclockwise (vortex) for each water treatment; this shall erase all the negative memories recorded in the water, and then perform 4 cycles clockwise. This shall print Vital energy within the water confines. This cycle has proved to be ideal; nonetheless, there is no problem at all to either increase or decrease cycles as guided by your intuition.
- For agricultural uses the anti-clockwise direction favors root growth, whereas the clockwise direction favors stem and leaf growth; therefore, generally turning 2 times counterclockwise and 2 times in clockwise fashion is the optimum way to go, also for agricultural uses.
Use applications and tips
-Try to water your plants with Vital Vortex-powered water, they are going to thank you, responding with greater vitality and beauty.