In the world of design, Timeless is a much-used word to express something which never goes out of fashion. To us, Timeless is much more than this; it’s an expression for timelessness concerning special creations, whose technology, design and functionality surpass the current barriers and limitations of scientific knowledge.
Founded by engineer and scientist Giovanni Palomba, Timeless Audio is the outcome of two decades’worth of research in vibration control and materials technologyas applied to audio. We’ve got a precious team of collaborators (musicians, teachers and scientists) whose joint efforts are focused on one goal:
"To create innovative products and solutions for the audio market in order to transcend the current barriers and limitations posed by musicreproduction, retrieving the essence, naturalness and emotion of live music"
After years of research, studies and auditioning tests, and performing comparisons between different design topologies in order to confront them with our reference (live music), we believe that a combination of several factors is able to create magical products, transcending musical reproduction thresholds and bringing us emotional aspects from the live reproduction of music, factors whichtranscend physical concepts as well as electrical or acoustic measurements.
That is why you’ll hardly see any technical specifications or electrical parameters in our products; of course measurements are taken, but these are carried out only in order to provide references for projects, and we don’t disclose these, mainly because we believe that these parameters alone wouldn’t be able to reflect the way a product sounds.
On the other hand, our creations are thoroughly tested and evaluated down to minute details under different parameters and systems by a renowned group of musicians, music lovers and audiophiles, in order to build up solid foundations for the production ofconsistently balanced products along a seamless musical cloth.
Regarding design, we seek materials which can be sourced from nature whenever possible (e.g., wood, stainless steel, silk, cotton); that’s why painted parts, or ones carrying unnecessary coatings whichtry to hide that which lies inside will hardly ever be seen making up the Timeless line. That is, we like to disclose what our products are made of, exposing the naked truth before our eyes.
With respect todesigngeometry, we always follow proportions favoring vibration control for the sake of music reproduction quality. We generallyrely on prime numbers and golden ratios, sincethesemanage to create lightness and refinement. Nonetheless, we’d like to state that the beauty and design of our products arise merely as a consequence of their functionality, and not the other way round.
Another great Timeless differential is the usage of ORGANIC MATERIALS in its products.
We’d like to explain the reasons why this is so, as follows:
In our way of understanding as free thinkers, organic materials such as cotton, silk, resins, and natural waxes carry a subtle energetic element within themselves - or at least a conceptual element from that which we mean by LIFE - and it becomes easy to prove such statement if we look at molecular structures through an electron microscope –and we’re able to check then that organic materials contain molecules made from a higher levelof build and complexity than their synthetic counterparts (such as Teflon, for example), and this only becomes possible because there once existed LIFE in such molecules,i.e., there exists an underlying principle in organic molecules’ structural arrangements, an "energy" and a signature printed upon the very molecular structures which brings us back to LIFE.
Over years of testing and research in the quantum physics and dowsing fields, we understand that the subtle signatures and energies existing within substances influence musical reproduction (this is due to a resonant process quite similar to homeopathy, a subject we shall address at the right moment in our blog). Thus, we have devised methods and expertise in order to deal scientifically with such energies thatinterfere with musical reproduction,so as to create innovative products.
For example, regarding the construction of cables and conductors, organic materials take advantage when it comes to physical and electrical characteristics. There is an electrical parameter called dielectric coefficient, which is basically a relative measurement of electrical absorption (referenced to the vacuum); the lower this constant is, the better. Teflon, for instance, presents a dielectric coefficient of about 1.7 - 2.0 (depending on density and quality), while organic cotton and silk present much lower dielectric coefficients (between 1.15 – 1.3), and this in theory decreases the energy retained within the dielectric during signal conduction, and this in practice translates into more "air" and detailing duringthe reproduction of music.
Besides their electrical parameters, organic molecules present a more complex and anisotropic structure, and this is the reason whythese materialsprovide better quality formanagingthemicrovibrations which producepair harmonics in audio, ones generally pleasing to our acoustic sense.Another Timeless products differentialis that, in addition to them being handcrafted with care and dedication, we rely on standardized quality controls in order to ensure that each of the variables approved during development phase remain exactly the same for the products coming out of the production line. Therefore we combine two opposing trends, artisanal production and industrial quality, allowing us to keep dimensional repeatability and soundstandardization.
Therefore, we hope to please the most demanding audiophiles and musicians, as well as music reproduction enthusiasts.